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Modern Office



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Snagging Survey

When you are buying a new home or a property that has been refurbished, you want to be certain that all the works have been carried out are not only as per the Building regulations, but also that care and attention has been taken.


A snagging survey can identify any issues from  uneven floors and ceiling, damaged fittings, wonky steps and even missing items.

When should it be done?

Ideally, before completion - after all, you don't want to hand over money with problems already in place. In fact, since 2022 and the implementation of the Building Safety Bill, it is now incumbent on a developer to give at least 14 days notice of completion, to allow the buyer to have a snagging survey undertaken. 

Is a Snagging Report the same as a Survey?

No. A snagging survey is different to a Home Buyers Report.  A Home Buyers Report is used for an existing building and covers more than a snagging report. It will provide different scenarios dependent upon the age of the property, its location, style etc.

Contents of the survey

The report describes the form of construction and materials used for each element of the property. It also describes the condition of elements and assesses the importance of defects.


The report will also identify potential risks or hidden defects in areas not inspected, propose the most probable causes of defects, outline the scope of remedial work required and consequences of non-repair, and make general recommendations in respect of the priority and likely timescales for necessary works.


Further investigations may be recommended where the surveyor feels unable to reach the necessary conclusions with reasonable confidence, however within a Building Survey, referrals are considered to be the exception rather than the rule.


We regret that we are unable to include repair costing within the report.

Which properties are suitable for a Level 3 Survey?

A Level 3 Survey will suit any domestic residential property in any condition

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